HT from LGF here:
Across the driveway in front of the hall, a large banner exhorted the crowd to "Heed the Goracle." Belonging to a fledgling group called ecoSanity, it was still there hours later, as Mr. Gore enjoyed a reception at the adjacent Simcoe Hall and the dispersing crowd voiced its praise.
"He's the prime minister we need in Canada," said Reid MacWilliam, who has been re-examining his entire life to make it more environmentally responsible.
Many attendees said that the speech closely mimicked the documentary An Inconvenient Truth, but they seemed pleased to listen to it again.
"You can't hear that message enough," said Shawn Omstead, attending with his daughter Meredith. "When we watched the movie, the next day we went and replaced all the light bulbs in the house . . . you see the movie and it sticks with you for a bit and then it fades."
"It was not our intention to have a religious approach," ecoSanity group founder Glenn MacIntosh said, "but it was our understanding that it was that kind of movement that people were craving; that kind of spiritual connection in their gut."
I'm sorry but my spiritual connection is with GOD, a true supreme being. Not with a looser like Gore. (Yes folks, Al Gore really lost the election in 2000. HEH!)
UPDATE: Here is the Invocation to Prayers to the Goracle. HT from Michelle Malkin.
Oh Great Goracle
(All praise be to Thee),
I here pray fervently.
Abide with me
in my 65 degree house.
Illuminate my soul
as I read by the light
of my 20 watt bulb.
Warm me with thy good cheer
as I bask in my cold shower.
Be the wind at my back
as I dutifully bike
20 miles to work.
I have been thy good servant
and done all, nay even more,
than Thou hast asked of me.
Surely I will be rewarded
with your blessings from on high
as you pass over
in your glorious Green Jet.
Oh Goracle (All praise be to Thee)
use your mighty powers
to insure that all we little people
will be forced to contribute
to the great cause of saving Earth
so we may all, each and every one,
suffer equally in this most worthy cause.
All this I ask in the name
of the Great Goracle,
saviour of our globe from the evil CO2.
Amen (or "Apersons" as you may prefer)
So, you take the word of some mythical sky fairy who you've never met?
If I came up to you and said that I heard an invisible man talking to me, you'd think I was nuts.
Instead, I'm a scientist. And I take my cues from demonstrable facts and research, not the silent blitherings of some invisible sky daddy who tells you how to think, act, and vote.
And, Gore didn't lose the election. It was stolen. And, WE are all the losers, since Bush has taken a balanced budget and squandered social security money on a faux war, manipulated data to support his "war", and has done nothing but lie to the american people.
But hey. You don't have to listen to me. You've got your mystical sky daddy to bail you out.
Excuse me but Bush did win in 2000. He did not steal the election. When the Independent Review came in to actually look at the Florida ballots after all the hoopla Bush did indeed win by about 253 votes. And about the Faux-war--tell me why all those Democrats who voted for the war now want to get their vote changed?
And thanks I did pray to my mystical sky daddy today.
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